Co rikate na Michelle Williams v roli Marilyn Monroe? Priznam se, ze me tato volba velmi prekvapila. Chapu, ze Marilyn neni ani tak o dokonale krase jako o charizmatu a sex-appealu, ktery vyzarovala, ale Michelle pro me nema ani jedno. Samozrejme, ze styling, dekor ve filmu byl naprosto dokonaly. V tomhle jsou Americane zkratka neprekonatelni. taky to nebylo zadarmo. Ale neco mi tam preste chybelo. Usmev Michelle je fajn, ale ta povestna jiskra v ocich, vlastne jakakoli jiskra tam neni. Jeji vyraz mirne krecovity, nevim, proste jsem ji to neverila. Prislo mi, ze ona sama se v te roli prilis dobre necitila a sama si neverila. Zkratka a dobre sexy muzete byt pouze, pokud tomu verite prvne vy samy. Mozna jsem moc prisna, anebo uz samotny napad napodobit nekoho jako byla Marilyn je proste napad spatny od sameho zacatku ... Co myslite vy?
What do you think about Michelle Williams in the role of Marilyn Monroe? I was very surprised by this choice. I understand that Marilyn Monroe, it s not only about beauty, and more about sex-appeal and charisma. But Michelle doesnt have anything of it. Of course, the styling, clothes and decoration in the movie is absolutely brilliant. But all the same, I missed something. The smile of Michelle is ok, but this sparkle is not there. I didnt believe her any of cramped expressions in her face. I would even say that she didnt enjoy the shooting at all. I had strange feeling that she was more watching herself how she looks than acting. If she is sexy, it doesnt matter. But for me, she is all except this. To be sexy, every woman must believe in herself first and this is something what Michelle doesnt do. Maybe I am very strict judging her, or just the idea to imitate somebody like Marilyn, was bad from his beginning? I dont know ... What do you think?
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