pondělí 18. února 2013

Be sexy

Co takhle ostrihat se na kratko? Kolikrat vas tahle myslenka napadla? Nebo patrite mezi ty zeny, ktere si to neumi ani predstavit? Samozrejme temer kazdy muz vam rekne, ze zena by mela zustat zenou, tudiz nechat si dlouhe vlasy. Ano, urcite to ma neco do sebe, ale pouze v pripade, ze ty vlasy jsou krasne, huste a kvalitni. Ikdyz i tak mi to prijde obcas trochu nuda. Stejne jsem nazoru, ze nejsme ovce. Kazda jsme jina, kazda jsme jedinecna. Nekterym proste dlouhe vlasy neslusi. Je vam asi jasne, ze kratke vlasy zvyrazni oblicej a dodaji smrnc. Je to proste bud a nebo. Bojite se? Ja vas chapu, ale kdo neriskuje, nic nema. Dle meho nazoru to muze byt az nebezpecne chic a sexy. Prikladem je Audrey Hepburn anebo jedna ma kamaradka Bara. Z dlouhych vlasu sla do kratkych a dobre udelala. Na castinzich dostava jednu roli za druhou. Je v kratkych vlasech proste kouzelna a neprehlednutelna. Rada bych vam predstavila jeden uces, ktery me naprosto okouzlil a ktery si nosim v hlave uz nejaky ten patek...a muzu vas ujistit, ze v tom nejedu sama. :-) Co na to rikate? Dali byste si rict nebo ani za nic?

What about short haircut? How many times did you get this idea? Or you even never think about that? Of course the men prefer longhair women but it s really nice only if u have good quality hair which is very rare. And I find it sometimes also very bored. Every woman is different and every woman is more beautiful in something different. Some are perfect in long hair, some of us not at all. It s evident that short haircut will show more our face but it can be very chic and sexy. Are you afraid? I understand you but who doesnt risk, doesnt get anything. I think that it can be very dangerous and sexy. The best exemple is Audrey Hepburn who became famous for her new short haircut. I would like to present you one haircut who I find absolutely amazing...and I am not the only one. :-) Here some of inspirational pictures. Hope you like it. What do you think? Yes or never?

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